“It’s not you, it’s me.”

In looking for the meaning of “insupportability” this is what I found.

“In” is an old English word for “not” like- insane (not sane). And “supportability” is a common word in the computer world. “Software Supportability is the capability of supporting a software system over its whole product life. This implies satisfying any necessary needs or requirements… (of) its function.

“So, in a nut-shell insupportability can be defined as “non-functioning.” It no longer functions as it once did. It is broken. But what “changed?” One lawyer says that insupportability is: “a conflict of personalities destroys the legitimate ends of the marriage and prevents any reasonable expectation of reconciliation.”

A professor at University of Minnesota Law School describes unilateral, no-fault divorce as: “one party in a marriage to file for divorce because they were irreparably unhappy in that marriage.”

So, insupportability means – a spouse’s attitude and personality changed making them eternally unhappy and no longer capable or willing to be a contributing member of that family. No-fault divorce mirrors the old High School break-up line that says, “It’s not you, it’s me.”

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